
About Us

Uzkar Makina About Us

Uzkar Makina is a limited company located in Darıca Small Industrıal Area in Kocaeli, operating as a medium-sized workshop under market conditions, and was founded by two young engineer entrepreneurs in 2015. Although Uzkar Makina was established in 2015, it operates with craftsmen with 25 years of technical experience. With the support of Kosgeb and Marmara Development Agency, Uzkar Makina gives its customers a complete sense of institutionalism with its service and product quality, rather than the impression of a medium-sized workshop.

Uzkar Makina has made its name in the machine side industry sector which it has just entered in a very short time and wants to continue its accelerated rise without losing its corporate structure and understanding. Although the company was born in a crisis environment, thanks to its successful subcontracting, grinding and coating operations, it continued on its path without being affected by the crisis. Our company, which does not compromise on customer satisfaction, has transferred its faith to its customers as trust. With our self-confidence, we aim to provide our services for many years, and we hope to grow together by gaining the appreciation of our well-respected customers.